Image of Coochie Bar

Coochie Bar


A Char's Creations Product

Golden V is an all natural herbal feminine cleansing bar that is the epitome of vaginal cleansing and maintaining healthy hygiene. Golden V is glycerin based cleansing bar packed with essential oils, herbs and key ingredient to combat odor, infections, bacteria, yeast, and proper pH balance.

The number one key ingredient is Goldenseal Root (also known as yellow root) an antimicrobial that naturally aids in the healing and symptoms surrounding yeast infections, bacteria vaginosis, and other bad bacteria. It's also an astringent herb that helps to tone and tighten the vaginal area.

Chamomile herb relieves inflammation and itching

Ginger root contains several ingredients which have antifungal properties and is effective in inhibiting the growth of yeast

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and has antimicrobial properties that can prevent the growth of infections due to fungi, bacteria, protozoa, or viruses.

Apple cider vinegar is very strong natural antibiotic that treats odor, bacteria vaginosis, yeast infections, and re-balancing your pH.

Baking Soda aids in itching, pain, vaginal odor, and balancing your pH

Organic honey is an antifungal ingredient that reduces infections, increases the amount of good bacteria and relieves symptoms associated with yeast infection such as redness and itchiness.

Tea tree oil is an amazing anti-fungal essential oil. It treats yeast infections and other vagina bacteria infections such as vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis.

Lavender and rosemary essential oil blend provides a pleasant scent to this unscented bar while also helping with odor control. Increases circulation, aids in clearing out old fluids, antiseptic and purifying, and aids in healthy uterine.

If this product is used one to two times per day it will last 3-4 weeks. This full-size bar is 2.5oz and can last up to 2 months.

*This product can be purchased directly from the seller using this link*

*The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.*

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